Co-organized with Library and Archives Canada and the Library of Congress
For over two decades, web archiving practice has needed to demonstrate resilience in the face of multiple challenges, including “the changing nature of the web and how it is perceived; by the constant constraints of available resources and technologies; and by critical legal and ethical considerations” (2023 WAC CfP). From the start, one of the key challenges has also been to figure out how web archiving aligns with other programs.
One of IIPC’s aims has always been to provide a supportive environment where we could share our experiences in launching and running web archiving programs and learn from each other. While it was often a topic of more informal conversations during our events, we also highlighted it in the 2023 Web Archiving Conference with the call for submissions on topics such as program sustainability, agile project management, support for cross-disciplinary teams, and institutional workflow.
Earlier this year, we organized a workshop that brought together 16 panelists from 38 IIPC member organizations. We covered multiple topics over two sessions. The response to the format and the topics was so positive, that we decided to follow up with more workshops, each focusing on one topic that the participants in the February event highlighted in the feedback form.
In this session, we will be looking at web archiving roles within IIPC member organizations, how they are integrated within different sections of the organization, how they have developed over time, what new positions have emerged in recent years, and what criteria are typically used in recruitment. In addition to sharing this information, we aim to collect job descriptions of web archiving roles that can be shared with workshop participants and the wider membership.
This workshop is intended for web archiving program managers, along with curators or engineers who play a vital role in organizational decision-making and team coordination, and any others interested in these topics. It is designed to benefit any organization that has an existing web archiving program or is planning to launch one.
Moderated panels followed by a Q&A.
PART 1: 08:30-10:00 ET | 14:30-16:00 CET
08:30-08:35 ET | 14:30-14:35 CEST: Introduction, Summary of the Survey Results
08:35-09:10 ET | 14:35-15:10 CEST: research/data specialists
- Jon Carlstedt Tønnessen | Research Librarian | National Library of Norway
- Rachel Trent | Senior Digital Collections Data Librarian, Library of Congress
09:10-09:50 ET | 15:10-15:50 CEST: technical leads and product owners
- Edyta Baranowska | Product Owner | KB, National Library of the Netherlands
- Sarah Dietz | Web Archiving Product Manager | National Archives, UK
- Gil Hoggarth | Web Archive Technical Lead | British Library
09:50-10:00 ET | 15:50-16:00 CEST: Wrap-up
PART 2: 17:00-18:00 ET || (Wed) 06:00-07:00 Singapore | 07:00-08:00 Seoul | 09:00-10:00 AEDT | 11:00-12:00 NZDT
17:00-17:05 ET || (Wed) 06:00-06:05 Singapore | 07:00-07:05 Seoul | 09:00-09:05 Canberra | 11:00-11:05 Wellington: Introduction and Summary of Session 1
17:05-17:55 ET || (Wed) 06:05-06:55 Singapore | 07:05-07:55 Seoul | 09:05-09:55 Canberra | 11:05-11:55 Wellington
National Library of New Zealand
• Andrea Goethals | Manager, Digital Preservation and Data Capability
• Ben O’Brien | Digital Preservation Web Engineer
• Yizhe Zhan | Data Specialist
Library of Congress
• Abbie Grotke | Web Archiving Section Head
• Chase Dooley | Senior Digital Collections Specialist
• Rachel Trent | Senior Digital Collections Data Librarian
17:55-18:00 ET || Wed 06:55-07:00 Singapore | 07:55-08:00 Seoul | 09:55-10:00 Canberra | 11:55-12:00 Wellington: Wrap-up