Forum on the Archiving of the Polish Internet Resources 16-17 November
- Organiser: the Polish National Archives
- Programme
- Day 1 (13:00-18:00 CET) includes opening remarks by Kristinn Sigurðsson, IIPC Vice-Chair, and presentations by IIPC member institutions
- Day 2 (9:30-17:00 CET): discussion panels (simultaneous translation will be provided)
- Registration form
- @Archiwa
From the organisers:
The forum on the archiving of the Polish Internet includes two days of interesting lectures and discussions concerning this issue important e.g. from the point of view of securing this part of documentation heritage. We hope that these talks conducted in a wide range of experts, open at the same time to everyone interested in this subject, will result in developing key conclusions concerning legal, methodological and technical conditions necessary to launch the archive of Polish Internet resources, in particular those produced by the public sector.
We have invited excellent guests from Poland and abroad to participate in the Forum, including representatives of archives, libraries and institutions that have been already successfully implementing national Web archives.
The Internet resources have been archived in many countries in the world and in Europe since the mid-1990s, and the Web archival science is a dynamically developing field of knowledge. So far in Poland the Web archiving has been undertaken on a relatively small scale, and the discussion in this respect has been mainly academic. While recognising the achievements of many people and institutions, we would like to create a good atmosphere for a broader reflection and consultation, which with your participation and involvement will lead to the identification of specific solutions aimed at the construction of an optimal archive of the Polish Internet resources. Solutions which, while ensuring the quality of sets and legality of their collection, will also guarantee adequate protection of copyrights and civil rights, including respect for users’ privacy.
Lectures – combined with the session of open questions – given by our foreign partners on the first day of the Forum will provide an opportunity to learn about their positive and negative experiences related to the construction of the Web archive and the challenge of developing the rules for collecting and sharing the resources gathered in it. By gaining the best know-how and sharing it with you, we want to strengthen our future collective effectiveness in this field.
The formula of the second day of the Forum will be based on three discussion panels. The discussion within the legal panel will focus on the most important foundations and necessary legislative changes, which should ensure lawful, socially accepted collection and provision of selected Web resources. The aim of the archival methodology panel is to help develop the Polish terminology necessary for the Web archiving. Its participants will also consider how to apply the current rules for developing archive sets to re-born digital objects collected in Web archives. The technological panel will focus on necessary infrastructure solutions. During this part, we will also look for optimal ideas for software and systems enabling effective launch and maintenance of the Polish Web archive.
We warmly invite you to participate actively in the Forum. The participation in the Forum is free of charge, although it is subject to the registration. The number of participants is limited.