Web Archiving and Digital Libraries (WADL) 2020: virtual workshop

Due to COVID-19, JCDL 2020 will be held virtually with online sessions and discussions. WADL 2020 will also be moved entirely online.WADL 2020 will continue the WADL tradition to provide a forum and collaboration platform for international leaders from academia, industry, and government to discuss challenges, and share insights, in designing and implementing concepts, tools, and standards in the realm of web archiving. Together, we will explore the integration of web archiving and digital libraries, over the complete digital resource life cycle: creation/authoring, uploading, publishing on the web, crawling/collecting, compressing, formatting, storing, preserving, analyzing, indexing, supporting access, etc.

WADL 2020 will cover all topics of interest, including but not limited to:

– Archival metadata, description, classification
– Archival standards, protocols, systems, tools
– Community building
– Crawling of dynamic, online art, and mobile content
– Discovery of archived resources
– Diversity in web archives
– Ethics in web archiving
– Event archiving and collection building
– Extraction and analysis of archival records
– Interoperability of web archiving systems
– National and international perspectives on web archiving
– Social media archiving


– Continue to build the diverse community of people integrating web archiving with digital libraries
– Help attendees learn about useful methods, systems, and software in this area
– Help chart future research and practice in this area, to enable more and higher quality web archiving
– Promote synergistic efforts including collaborative projects and proposals
– Produce an archival publication that will help advance technology and practice

Submissions (please provide contact and supporting info in <= 2 pages using the ACM Proceedings template):

EasyChair submission page: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wadl2020
Due: June 13, 2020
Notifications: June 22, 2020
Please use the ACM Proceedings template.
Format: 20 min. presentation + 10 min. Q&A

Q&AWorkshop Co-chairs:

Chair: Zhiwu Xie, Professor & Chief Strategy Officer, Virginia Tech Libraries, zhiwuxie@vt.edu,
Co-chair: Edward A. Fox, Professor and Director Digital Library Research Laboratory, Virginia Tech, fox@vt.edu http://fox.cs.vt.edu,
Co-chair: Martin Klein, Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Library, mklein@lanl.gov

The event is finished.


04 - 05 Aug 2020


All Day

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 04 - 05 Aug 2020
  • Time: All Day