Luxembourg born-digital heritages of the COVID-19 crisis

Photo by Vera Davidova on Unsplash
In a world free of Covid-19, the IIPC, BnL and C2DH would have had the pleasure of welcoming all participants of the Web Archiving Conference and RESAW conference in Luxembourg.
While it wasn’t possible for us to host these events at the National Library and University of Luxembourg, we still wanted to include a joint panel in both programs, reflecting the work of Luxembourg institutions, researchers and journalists.
Covid-19 in Luxembourg:
As a follow-up to the first “Luxembourg Covid-19 collections” round table organised in September 2020, this edition focuses on born-digital collections.
After more than one year of ups and downs surrounding the pandemic, the panelists are presenting the progress of their projects in regards to:
– What is the collection’s contribution to Luxembourg born-digital heritage?
– What was the starting point and scope of the collection?
– What were the successes and limits along the way?
– By what means can we promote and maintain these collections and make their contents more accessible?
The panel:
Frédéric Clavert – C2DH, University of Luxembourg
Ben Els – National Library of Luxembourg
Marie-Laure Rolland –
Silvia Sevilla – Publications Office of the EU
Tizian Zumthurm – C2DH, University of Luxembourg
Chaired by Yves Maurer – National Library of Luxembourg
As a joint event between the IIPC Web Archiving Conference and the 4th RESAW conference, this session is free of charge and will be streamed live via Webex. by C2DH