2:00pm |
WORKSHOP #1: Training the Trainers: Helping Web Archiving Professionals Become Confident Trainers Claire Newing1, Ricardo Basílio2, Lauren Baker3, Kody Willis4 |
WORKSHOP #2: Leveraging Parquet Files for Efficient Web Archive Collection Analytics Sawood Alam1, Mark Phillips2 |
3:30pm | BREAK | |||
3:45pm |
WORKSHOP #3: Crafting Appraisal Strategies for the Curation of Web Archives Melissa Wertheimer |
WORKSHOP #4: Run Your Own Full Stack SolrWayback (2024) Thomas Egense, Victor Harbo Johnson, Anders Klindt Myrvoll |
6:00pm |
WELCOME RECEPTION at Salle Ovale (Richelieu site) |
10:00am | OPENING REMARKS: Isabelle Nyffenegger, National Library of France & Mileva Stupar, National Institute Audiovisual recording |
10:15am | KEYNOTE: Here Ya Free! Crossed Views on Skyblog, the French Pioneer of Digital Social Networks Pierre Bellanger1, Pauline Ferrari2, Jérôme Thièvre3, Sara Aubry4 1: Skyrock Radio, 2: Freelance journalist, 3: National Institute Audiovisual, 4: National Library of France recording | slides Introduced and chaired by Emmanuelle Bermès, Ecole nationale des chartes |
11:15am | BREAK | ||||
11:20am |
SESSION #1: AI & Machine Learning Benjamin Lee 11:20am - 11:40am Mark Phillips1, Cornelia Caragea2, Seo Yeon Park2, Praneeth Rikka1, Saran Pandi2 11:40am - 12:00pm Sawood Alam1, Mark Graham1, Roger Macdonald1, Kalev Leetaru2 12:00am - 12:20pm Amr Sheta2, Mohab Yousry2, Youssef Eldakar1 |
SESSION #2: Unique Content Ricardo Basílio 11:20am - 11:40am Christopher Rauch1, Mat Kelly1, Alexander Poole1, Michele C Weigle2, Michael L Nelson2, Travis Reid2 11:40am - 12:00pm Claire Newing1, Tom Storrar1, Patricia Falcao2, Sarah Haylett2, Jane Kennedy2 12:00pm - 12:20pm Valérie Schafer |
WORKSHOP #5: Unlocking Access: Navigating Paywalls and Ensuring Quality in Web Crawling (Behind Paywall Websites - Crawl, QA & More) Anders Klindt Myrvoll1, Thomas Martin Elkjær Smedebøl1, Samuli Sairanen2, Joel Nieminen2, Antares Reich3, László Tóth4 |
12:40pm | LUNCH | ||||
1:40pm |
SESSION #3: Contextual Ian Milligan 2:00pm - 2:20pm Niels Brügger 2:20pm - 2:40pm Carmen Noguera |
SESSION #4: Delivery & Access Ricardo Basílio 2:00pm - 2:20pm Andrew McDonnell 2:20pm - 2:40pm Jon Carlstedt Tønnessen 2:40pm - 3:00pm Jon Carlstedt Tønnessen, Thomas Langvann |
WORKSHOP #6: Browser-Based Crawling For All: Introduction to Quality Assurance with Browsertrix Cloud Andrew Jackson1, Anders Klindt Myrvoll2, Ilya Kreymer3, Tessa Walsh4, Henry Wilkinson4 |
3:00pm | BREAK | ||||
3:30pm |
SESSION #5: Collaborations Jesper Verhoef 3:50pm - 4:10pm Susan Aasman1, Anat Ben-David2, Niels Brügger3 4:10pm - 4:30pm Monica Westin1, Jefferson Bailey2 |
SESSION #6: Legal & Ethical Anastasia Nefeli Vidaki 3:50pm - 4:10pm Ellen Van Keer 4:10pm - 4:30pm Vladimir Tybin |
PANEL #1: “Can we capture this?”: Assessing Website Archivability Beyond Trial and Error Meghan Lyon1, Calum Wrench2, Tom Storrar3, Nicholas Taylor4 |
4:30pm | BREAK | ||||
4:40pm |
LIGHTNING TALKS Generative AI In Streamlining Web Archiving Workflows Scaling Web Archiving: The Challenges of Deduplication WARC-ing Legacy Archived Web Sites Describing Collections with Datasheets for Datasets Visualizing the Web History of the Pandemic COVID-19 Outbreak In México: Last Stage Towards A Formal Registry Of Web Archives For Persistent And Sustainable Identification Digital Storytelling: Creating An Exhibition of Web-born and Mobile Narratives |
5:20pm |
DROP-IN TALKS Web Archives in Documenting AI History Twenty-year Journey of the Croatian Web Archive (HAW): Key Milestones ARK Persistent Identifier Use Cases in Web Archiving Web Archiving Update from KBR - Belgium Dealing with Donors of Web Archives: Challenges and Advice History of Web Archive at UNHCR Documenting the Smithsonian on the Web in 2020 Bringing Web Archive to an Informational Commodity: The Standards Path Why Web Archive Performing Arts? A Comparative Study on ChatGPT: Generated vs. Manual Metadata Creation for Government Reports |
5:30pm |
POSTER SESSION #1 Many Hands Make Light(er) Work: Collaborative Web Lifecycle Management How to Implement The Long-term Preservation of the Web? The Journey of the Publications Office of The European Union Digital Resources – Slovak Web Archive in Context with the New Legislation Why WARCs Are Complex But Not Messy Report on the Scholarly Use of Web Archives Across Ireland: The Past, Present & Future(s) Blog to Bytes: Exploring the UK Web Archive’s Blog Posts Through Text Analysis Podcasts Collection at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France: From Experimentation to the Implementation of a Functional Harvest |
7:00pm |
DINNER Pre-registration required for this event. |
9:15am |
POSTER SESSION #2 Fixing Broken Links with Arquivo404 From Theory to Practice: The First Steps in Social Media Archiving Some URLs Are Immortal, Most Are Ephemeral Exploring Web Archives Using Hyphe, A Research Oriented Web Crawler 1: National Library of France; 2: Sciences Po médialab, France After the Social Media Archiving Project in Belgium: Contributing to a Better Archiving Context for Small Heritage Institutions Exploring Polyvocality in Online Narratives of French Colonial Memory Through Web Archives: Methodological and Ethical Considerations Quality Assurance In Webarchiving ‘The Least Cool Club in the World’: Building Capacity to Deal with Challenging Crawls at the UK Government Web Archive’s Regex Club |
10:00am |
PANEL #2: Archiving Social Media In An Age of APIcalypse Frédéric Clavert1, Anat Ben David2, Beatrice Cannelli3, Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou4, Jérôme Thièvre5 |
SESSION #7: Communities I Barbara Signori 10:20am - 10:40am Zakiya Collier, Jon Voss, Bergis Jules 10:40am - 11:00am Nicola Bingham 11:00am - 11:20am Zakiya Collier1, Bergis Jules2, Makiba Foster3 |
SESSION #8: Tools László Tóth 11:20am - 11:40am Matteo Cargnelutti, Kristi Mukk, Clare Stanton 11:40am - 12:00pm Lotte Wijsman, Jacob Takema 12:00pm - 12:20pm Tessa Walsh1, Ilya Kreymer2 1: Webrecorder, Canada; 2: Webrecorder, United States of America |
11:20am | BREAK | ||||
11:50am |
PANEL #3: Striking the Balance: Empowering Web Archivists And Researchers In Accessible Web Archives Caylin Smith1, Leontien Talboom1, Andrea Kocsis2, Mark Bell3, Alice Austin4 |
SESSION #9: Communities II Anaïs Crinière-Boizet1, Elise Girold2 12:10pm - 12:30pm Jonas Ferrigolo Melo1, Moises Rockembach2 12:30pm - 12:50pm Hana Cooper |
SESSION #10: Digital Preservation Caroline Nyvang, Eld Zierau 12:10pm - 12:30pm Pedro Gomes, Daniel Gomes 12:30pm - 12:50pm Rasmus Kristensen, Mathias Jensen, Colin Rosenthal, Eld Zierau Royal Danish Library |
12:50pm | LUNCH | ||||
1:50pm |
PANEL #4: Building Inclusive Web Archives Through Community-Oriented Programs Jefferson Bailey1, Makiba Foster2, Sumitra Duncan3 |
SESSION #11: Planning Ben Els, Yves Maurer 2:10pm - 2:30pm Ruth E. Bryan, Emily Collier 2:30pm - 2:50pm Rashi Joshi 2:50pm - 3:10pm Sara Day Thomson, Anna Talley, Alice Austin |
SESSION #12: Innovative Harvesting Sawood Alam 2:10pm - 2:30pm Katherine Boss1, Vicky Rampin1, Rémi Rampin1, Ilya Kreymer3 2:30pm - 2:50pm Andreas Lenander Ægidius 2:50pm - 3:10pm Lauren Ko, Mark Phillips University of North Texas Libraries, United States of America |
3:10pm | BREAK | ||||
3:20pm |
CLOSING KEYNOTE: Language Model Training Data: Recent Advances and Current Challenges Introduced by Andrea Goethals, National Library of New Zealand |