Organization Type: Service Provider
Country: The Netherlands

In the past few years, has become an international expert in the field of web archiving. Our first web archives date back to 2003, and since that time we have managed – together with our users – to build a unique platform that has proven very helpful to many organisations. Every day, we use this experience to help our users. Many organisations make use of our option of archiving their website records on a daily basis, which makes us a unique player in the international market. We archive websites for both the government (with regard to legislation and heritage) and for businesses (with regard to compliance). For our clients we create about 360.000 web archives on a yearly basis. follows the international standards and legislation that apply to archiving website records. This offers organisations a sustainable and robust solution.

We work closely with our clients and other users of the archive. We will continue to improve our services according to the changing demands and requirements in Europe. In addition to daily web archives we also create web archives on weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly base.

For the Dutch market we have extensive lists with hundreds of organisations that we provide web archiving services to, mostly on a daily basis.

For archiving institutions, we have our Web Archiving Dashboard with which they are able to create their own web archives. Clients such as the Netherlands Institute of Sound and Vision use this Dashboard to create web archives of very complex web environments.

If you are interested or have questions don’t hesitate to contact us.