Organization Type: Government/Research
Country: United States

The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Research Library has a long-standing history of research and development efforts related to web archiving. Most notably, we devised the Memento Framework (RFC 7089) and implemented the Time Travel service, a federated search that enables the simultaneous discovery of archived snapshots in more than 25 web archives. We further developed the Memento for Chrome and Memento for Firefox extensions that, based on Memento infrastructure, allow browsing of web links back in time.

Other related efforts include the development of SiteStory, a transactional archive that can be incorporated with an Apache web server, and the Memento extension for MediaWiki systems. Most recently, we developed Memento Tracer, a novel web archiving framework that aims to find a balance between scalability and web archival quality.

In the realm of scholarly communications, we have researched and quantified the detriment of link rot and content drift, together referred to as “reference rot” in scholarly articles and propose the concept of Robust Links to combat it.