CfP: IIPC Web Archiving Conference 2023: Resilience and Renewal
In July 2003, 12 institutions from around the world came together to establish a collaborative consortium to advance the development of web archiving practice – its procedures, tools and standards. The establishment of the IIPC was based on the experience of those founding member institutions, several of which were already working to build practical and sustainable web archiving programs. Twenty years on and the IIPC continues efforts to support a community that has grown beyond its own membership to include a transnational range of institutions involved in developing and delivering web archiving practice and programs. This community recognizes the complexity and confronts challenges in collecting, preserving and making accessible to future generations material that is central to an understanding of 21st century life.
Critical to the success of this enterprise is the sustainability of web archiving programs and the collections they produce. But this is never simple and is constantly challenged by the changing nature of the web and how it is perceived; by the constant constraints of available resources and technologies; and by critical legal and ethical considerations. The ‘web’ in web archiving has always posed the challenge of definition for the community of practitioners working to collect and preserve it. No more so than today when social media and audiovisual materials are so central to the online world that we engage with every day.
To be sustainable in this environment, web archiving practice has needed to demonstrate resilience in the face of the challenges. It has also required sustained innovation and renewal to find novel and practical ways to try to overcome obstacles and to demonstrate (and add to) the value of web archiving programs.
With the perspective of more than two decades of practice and collaboration, the 2023 Web Archiving Conference aims to bring practitioners and researchers together to both reflect on the lessons learned and achievements of the international web archiving community; and to share the ideas and innovations necessary for the renewal and future of web archiving practice.
Learn more and submit your proposal here: https://netpreserve.org/ga2023/cfp/