IIPC RSS Webinar: Archiving Social Media
The IIPC Research Speaker Series (RSS) focuses on the research use of web archives and features presentations of use cases, collaborative projects and new tools for researchers.
This presentation will feature Beatrice Cannelli of the School of Advanced Study (University of London) speaking about social media archiving. The aim is to offer a review of the latest social media archiving initiatives worldwide, highlighting gaps, trends, and ethical concerns surrounding the uneven, current geographical location of social media archiving projects, as well as the risks this unequal distribution may entail.
This study is based on results collected through an exploratory survey which is part of a wider, ongoing PhD research focussing on the challenges related to the development of social media archives.
The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session moderated by Helena Byrne (The British Library).
Learn more here: https://netpreserveblog.wordpress.com/2022/11/30/mapping-social-media-archiving-initiatives-state-of-the-art-trends-and-future-perspectives/
View the presentation slides here.
Beatrice Cannelli is a PhD candidate at School of Advanced Study, University of London, funded by the London Arts and Humanities Partnership (LAHP). Her research interests include web and social media archiving practices, digital preservation, and digital history.