IIPC TSS Webinar: Archiving Twitter
The IIPC Technical Speaker Series (TSS) facilitates knowledge sharing and fosters conversations and collaborations among IIPC members around web archiving technical work.
“Save your threads!”. https://social.perma.cc is an experiment of the Harvard Library Innovation Lab for making high-fidelity captures of Twitter threads as “sealed” PDFs.
This experiment builds on new high-fidelity browser-based capture software that Harvard Library Innovation Lab has been building, as well as software to apply cryptographic signatures for attesting of the provenance of the resulting archives.
This talk will go over the techniques used for building thread-keeper, the open-source software behind social.perma.cc, and expand on what the Perma.cc team has learned capturing Twitter.com and signing archivable documents using cryptographic certificates meant for the web.
The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session moderated by Meghan Lyon (Library of Congress).
Matteo Cargnelutti is a Senior Software Developer at the Harvard Library Innovation Lab (https://lil.law.harvard.edu). His work focuses on Perma.cc (https://perma.cc) and web archiving technology research.