IIPC TSS Webinar: Dark and Stormy Archives & Bloom Filters for Web Archives’ Holdings
The IIPC Technical Speaker Series (TSS) facilitates knowledge sharing and foster conversations and collaborations among IIPC members around web archiving technical work. During this webinar, we will provide an update on work funded by two different grants from IIPC’s Discretionary Funding Programme (DFP):
- Improving the Dark and Stormy Archives Framework by Summarizing the Collections of the National Library of Australia, a collaboration between Old Dominion University Department (ODU) of Computer Science, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Research Library & National Library of Australia, and
- Developing Bloom Filters for Web Archives’ Holdings, a collaboration between Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Research Library and the National and University Library in Zagreb (NSK).
In this webinar, the collaborating parties from LANL and Croatian Web Archive (HAW) will report on their work related to the IIPC-funded “Developing Bloom Filters for Web Archives’ Holdings” project. Following up from the previous seminar, the project leads will briefly cover the code deployment at HAW, performance evaluation measures while creating Bloom Filters, describe their novel concept for scalability with Bloom Filters, suggested approach to sharing Bloom Filters with trusted parties, demonstrate novel pilot implementation, and conclude with recommendations for use cases where Bloom Filters are best suited.
Shawn Jones (LANL) and Himarsha Jayanetti (ODU) will walk through 2021 improvements to the Dark and Stormy Archives (DSA) toolkit. The DSA toolkit provides storytelling capability with web archives. With it, a user can discover archived pages, also known as mementos, and then visualize them as a social media story. This talk will focus on Hypercane and Raintale. Hypercane is a software package for selecting exemplar mementos from a web archive collection, primarily for summarization and storytelling. Raintale visualizes a set of mementos as a story. Raintale provides templating that allows users to control the look and feel of their story, distributing it in a format such as HTML or through a series of social media posts. This talk will highlight 2021 updates to the DSA toolkit developed while piloting it with the National Library of Australia (NLA).
The Q&A session will be chaired by Kristinn Sigurðsson (National and University Library of Iceland), IIPC Vice-Chair & Co-Lead of the Tools Development Portfolio.