Wanted: Social Media Data – Archiving Practices and Research Use
KBR (Royal Library of Belgium) and its partners in the BESOCIAL research project:
- CENTAL at the Catholic University of Louvain
- CRIDS at the University of Namur
- GhentCDH, IDLab and mict at Ghent University
From the event organisers:
During this conference, the main research results of the BESOCIAL research project will be presented. The potential of social media data for research and social media archiving practices will be discussed during the keynote and two panel discussions. International and Belgian speakers will share their expertise on topics such as using tweets as historical sources, lowering barriers to access the archived web, the opportunities and challenges of doing social media research and getting started with social media archiving with limited resources.
Preliminary programme
- [All indicated times are Central European Summer Time, CEST]
- Welcome (9.00-9.30)
- Keynote (9.30-10.15)
- Frédéric Clavert – Université de Luxembourg: “API or archive? Tormented ways to transform tweets into historical sources”
- Break
- Presentation on the BESOCIAL project results (10.30-11.30)
- Short session on the future of social media archiving at KBR (11.30-12.00)
- Lunch break
- Panel on social media archiving from an institutional point of view (13.30-15.00)
- Anders Klindt Myvroll – Royal Danish Library, Denmark: “Social media archiving at the Royal Danish Library – reflections and status quo”
- Katrien Weyns – KADOC-KU Leuven, Belgium: “Towards best practices for the archiving of social media by private archival institutions in Flanders”
- Virginien Horge –Archives of the City of Mons, Belgium: “Archiving the web in small archive centers, from Archives de Quarantaine to Mémoire de Confinement”
- Break
- Next steps for social media archiving at the IIPC (15.15-15.30)
- Olga Holownia – IIPC (International Internet Preservation Consortium)
- Panel on research use of social media (15.30-17.00)
- Ian Milligan – Waterloo University, Canada: “Lowering Barriers to Accessing the Archived Web: The Archives Unleashed Project”
- Louise-Amélie Cougnon – Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium: “Research Implications of Online Interaction: Research in Linguistics & Communication for Community Action”
- Jamie Mahoney – Northumbria University, UK: “The opportunities and challenges of social media research: insights from the PERCEPTIONS project”
- Closing remarks (17.00-17.15)
Organising committee
This conference is organised by KBR (Royal Library of Belgium) and its partners in the BESOCIAL research project:
- CENTAL at the Catholic University of Louvain
- CRIDS at the University of Namur
- GhentCDH, IDLab and mict at Ghent University
Practical information
- Registration will open soon.
- Conference language: English
- If you have any questions, please contact us at socialmediacolloquium@kbr.be.