Web Archiving Week


The IIPC Web Archiving Conference (WAC) 2017 was held jointly with the RESAW Conference organised by the School of Advanced Study, University of London, 14-16 June 2017. The combined three-day conference formed the core of the Web Archiving Week (11-16 June) hosted by the British Library and the School of Advanced Study. The Web Archiving Week also included a datathon for researchers as well as a public event aimed to raise the awareness of web archiving in the series of popular Digital Conversations at the British Library.

The Web Archiving Week events were hosted by the British Library and the School of Advanced Study and they were organised with the support and assistance of IIPC, RESAW (A Research Infrastructure for the Study of Archived Web Materials), The National Archives and Archives Unleashed.

Conference programme (download)


Schedule overview:

The British Library Knowledge Centre

11-13 June: Archives Unleashed

SUNDAY, 11 June
17:00-19:00 First meeting The Parcel Yard

MONDAY, 11 June
09:00-17:00 Datathon British Library Knowledge Centre

TUESDAY, 12 June
09:00-17:00 Datathon British Library Knowledge Centre

Senate House

14-16 June: Conference

WEDNESDAY (click to view detailed schedule), 14 June:
09:00-17:00 RESAW Senate House

THURSDAY (click to view detailed schedule), 15 June:
09:00-17:00/17:30 RESAW (track 1 & 2) Senate House
08:30-17:30 WAC (track 3) British Library Knowledge Centre

FRIDAY (click to view detailed schedule), 16 June:
09:00-17:45 WAC Senate House

15 June: Digital Conversations@BL

“Web Archives: truth, lies and politics in the 21st century”

18:30-20:30 British Library Knowledge Centre (Auditorium)

 Senate House, University of London, Malet St, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7HU
 British Library, 96 Euston Rd, London NW1 2DB

Accommodation & transport: https://goo.gl/yuloRr

Please direct any conference related queries to wac17@iipc.simplelists.com

@NetPreserve @resaw_eu @SASNews @britishlibrary #iipcWAC17 #WAweek2017